Olympics to Investigate FIFA Corruption


The scandal surrounding FIFA took an unexpected turn last night when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that it was to investigate the allegations.

Issa Hayatou was one of the FIFA Executive members accused in yesterday’s BBC Panorama program. It transpires that he is also an IOC official.

The Cameroonian Hayatou is the head of the Confederation of African Football (CAF) which governs African Football, but also a long standing African representative on the IOC.

They announced this morning that the allegations against him will prompt them to investigate.

“The IOC has taken note of the allegations made by BBC Panorama and will ask the programme makers to pass on any evidence they may have to the appropriate authorities,” it said.

Hayatou himself has spoken out in his defence.

He claimed the money was part of a sponsorship deal for the Confederation of African Football (CAF).

“This money was not for me, it was for the 40th anniversary of CAF. At that time ISL was the sponsor of CAF and they give the money to CAF and not to me, and the executive committee of CAF accepted it and approved it. I have got an appointment with my lawyers, I will talk to them and I will take it from there.”

In the BBC Program, FIFA’s Dirty Secrets, bid leaders, Hayatou was accused of receiving a $15,000 bribe from now-defunct marketing company ISL in 1995.

FIFA’s reaction was to declare the matter over and finished by a Swiss court case in 208 which investigated ISL.

“In its verdict of 26 June 2008, the Criminal Court of Zug had not convicted any FIFA officials. It is therefore important to stress again the fact that no FIFA officials were accused of any criminal offence in these proceedings. The investigation and the case are definitely closed.”

Also accused in the program was Jack Warner, head of the Caribbean football federation. Despite that, his vote is deemed so crucial to the England bid that UK Prime Minister David Cameron went to woo him ahead of the vote for the 2018 games. Warner is thought to control two of the votes awarded to the CONCACAF federation, which represents football in North and Central America and the Caribbean. His support is thought to be crucial to England’s chances.

Update: Russian and Qatar have been awarded the World Cups and this has done nothing to dispell uneasiness about the process. “FIFA Corruption” is currently a trending topic on google. FIFA have promised to release details about where delegates cast their votes and it is a reasonable assumption, that various press outlets especially in England will want to know why, as well as who each of the 22 remaining delegates voted for.

Today’s Coverage:

Results of Voting Show USA Bid was Strong

World Cup Announcement Day as it happened

2022 World Cup Goes to Qatar

Russia Gets 2018 World Cup

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1 Comment

  1. What investigative powers does the Olympics have over FIFA? Who is going to conduct the investigation? Is this the proper authority to conduct an investigation? Are the investigators experienced in conducting a proper investigation?