Odds stacked in favour of the big boys with new 5 sub rule next season


The Premier League decided last week that from next season there will be five substitutes allowed in Premier League matches. In line with the rest of European club football, the Premier League have decided to make this decision after managers were critical of players’ welfare.

From next season, clubs will be allowed to name nine substitutes in their squads from which five can be selected. Players will be allowed to be introduced on up to three different occasions in the match, as well as at half-time.

Currently, five substitutes have been permitted in the FA Cup and League Cup this season. The main reason given for this rule change is that it aids players’ welfare and brings the Premier League in line with the rest of Europe.

Personally, neither explanation I feel is good enough. Let’s face it can you really see any manager hooking off a tired player unless the game looks won.

Yes, five subs will give managers more to work with i9n terms of player rotation, but this will lead to coaches filling their benches up with expensive talent.

If there is genuine concern that players are being asked to play too much football, any additional subs shouldn’t be big-name players or key replacements.

The usual three subs should still be used along with three players under 21 with very little Premiership experience.

After all, all this new rule will do is further benefit the top six clubs in the league. The big guns will simply pack their bench with the big guns which other sides would normally start a game with.

Once again, the Premier League is loading the odds in favour of the big clubs. Everything is geared up to improve their chances of even more success.

The smaller clubs – and let us face it there are a lot of them – won’t benefit at all from this rule.

I’m sorry, but yet again the Premier League are bowing down to the bigger clubs’ concerns and not listening to the others.

Everybody wants a level playing field in any sport, but this new ruling isn’t helping our League. After all, it is supposed to be the best league in the world, but time and time again it favours the big clubs.


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