Chiefs release Kareem Hunt after domestic violence incident


The Kansas City Chiefs have released running back Kareem Hunt following video footage emerging of him getting into a physical altercation with a female in a hotel.

The team released a statement after cutting one of their star players.

“Earlier this year, we were made aware of an incident involving running back Kareem Hunt.” The statement read. “At that time, the National Football League and law enforcement initiated investigations into this issue. As part of our internal discussions with Kareem, several members of our management team spoke directly to him. Kareem was not truthful in those discussions. The video released today confirms that fact. We are releasing Kareem immediately.”

The video was released on Friday by TMZ along with the audio from the 911 call by the victim.

The 23-year-old was placed on the Reserve/Comissioner Exempt List by the NFL after the release of the footage. The video was from February and showed Hunt pushing and kicking a woman in a Cleveland hotel.

Hunt released a statement after the fact, saying, “I want to apologise for my actions. I deeply regret what I did. I hope to move on from this.”

Neither the NFL nor the Chiefs had seen the video before its public release. Although the NFL did reportedly make several attempts to obtain the footage. The hotel told the league that it was corporate policy to only turn the video over to law enforcement.

Cleveland Police confirmed that no arrests were made on the night of the incident and Hunt has not been charged.


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