Sepp Blatter Re-elected


Sepp Blatter, the 75-year-old President of FIFA, has been re-elected for another term.

He won 186 of the 203 votes and had no opponent after the late withdrawal of Mohammad Bin Hammam.

A late attempt by the English and Scottish Football Associations to delay the vote pending investigations into corruption received little support with only 17 associations backing it.

Blatter has promised to retire in 2015 after which time he will have been in control for 17 years.

He told the FIFA Congress:

“I thank you for your trust and confidence from the bottom of my heart. Our pyramid is intact, the base, the foundation is strong and together we have four years to continue on our path and do our job.

We will put FIFA’s ship back on the right course in clear, transparent waters. We need some time to do it, but we shall do it.

Today something marvellous happened and I’d simply like to tell you I’m deeply moved and honoured. It’s a challenge, a new one for me, and I accept it.”

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  1. GravityHurts on

    who got the other 17 votes… i saw on BBC America last night that Grant Wahl was running as a write in i don’t suppose he got any votes!?