Former England international Stan Collymore has joined the Scottish National Party.
The party which advocates independence from the United Kingdom won 56 out of 59 Scottish seats at the last UK election but even it may be surprised at the identity of its latest convert.
Collymore played three times for England in the 1990s and had over 60 games at club level for both Liverpool and Nottingham Forest.

Collymore joined the SNP after Labour voted for airstrikes on Syria
Earlier today, the UK Parliament voted to bomb Syria as part of the war against ISIS, a move that was opposed by many progressives as repeating the same mistakes made when the UK joined the war on Iraq.
The supposedly left-wing pan-British Labour Party however did not oppose but allowed its members a free vote, in an effort to avoid an embarrassing revolt by many of its pro-war MPs.
Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron won the vote by 397 votes to 223, after 10 hours of Commons debate. 66 Labour MPs sided with the government despite the anti-war stance of their party leader Jeremy Corbyn. 153 Labour MPs opposed the bombing.
The left-leaning Scottish National Party opposed it unanimously and this caught Collymore’s attention.

Collymore’s tweet
“Only rejoined Labour a couple of months ago. Have to cancel again now. Can an Englishman join the SNP?’ he asked on twitter.
The answer is yes and many English people resident in Scotland have.
Collymore later sent the party his membership fee and the receipt was made available online.
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