FBI now investigating Russia and Qatar

Sepp Blatter at 2014 FIFA World Cup announcement (Wikimedia Commons)

Sepp Blatter at 2014 FIFA World Cup announcement (Wikimedia Commons)

The FBI have confirmed that they are now investigating the awards of hosting rights to the World Cups in Russia and Qatar, for the 2018 and 2022.

Papers released by the American authorities also revealed today that Chuck Blazer has confessed to taking bribes for the South African add French world cups.

The revelations came after prosecutors unsealed the transcript of the 2013 hearing in the Eastern New York District Court.

Sky Sports News said that the documents “throw this investigation right back to the United States.”

The documents stem from a 2013 New York hearing in which Blazer was a witness to the internal corruption in FIFA. He told the judge that he and others on FIFA’s executive committee so far unnamed agreed to accept bribes in conjunction with the choice of the 2010 tournament to South Africa.

The now disgraced and seriously ill Blazer also claimed to have accepted bribes in connection with the 1998 World Cup in France.

Earlier in the day, the New York Times claimed that the FBP are also investigating Ex FIFA president Sepp Blatter who resigned yesterday.

The paper claimed that several US officials who wished to remain anonymous were building a case against Blatter. It is still unknown if this was instrumental in his sudden resignation just four days after being re-elected.

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