The Next Step for Bright Dike is to Copy Beyonce


Bright Dike in action for Nigeria
Denis Bancroft /Miami Marlins

Nigerian international Bright Dike has returned back to Portland with a new outlook on world football. He spoke of his experience inside the Nigerian camp after his side beat Venezuela 3-1.

“It was just a wonderful experience to be around great players of that quality, players that play in Premier League, La Liga and other great leagues. I just remember taking in the different styles of play and viewpoints of how they play.”

Although his ex-skipper in Portland Ian Joy thinks Dike will be selected again, Dike decided to take the opportunity to make friends, friends he intends to keep:

“I became friends with many of the players and still talk to some of them. The highlight was playing 70 minutes and hearing the final whistle meaning that we had beat a Venezuela team that is fourth in South American World Cup qualifying (after Argentina, Ecuador and Columbia) 3-1.”

Responding to our story that the Nigeria national jersey is the same colour as the shirts he has worn in Portland, Dike reminded us that the coincidence went even further:

“You even forgot the green jerseys of Notre Dame. Green has been good to me, I guess. My favorite color will be whatever color I am winning games in.”

The Fighting Irish wearing green? How were supposed to guess that?

Of course, the biggest challenge about an international call coming from the land of one’s ancestry rather than one’s life is the ultimate landmine of the national anthem. in this case “Arise, Oh Compatriots”

Dike sheepishly admits:

“I know some of it, but I do not know every word of it.”

Well at least he knows what is homework is. If Beyonce can learn it so can you, Bright!


Bright Green

Bright Dike Called up by Nigeria

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